
7 Aug 2024

Two final notes that may be of interest to you…​

I hope that you are currently finding the final exam OK. When you finish, here are a couple of things that you might be interested to note:

  1. There is a local little security conference that happens every Fall called BSides St John’s (it’s affiliated with a whole bunch of conferences called BSides), and tickets (which are free but limited in number) just became available on EventBrite. The event also includes a Capture the Flag competition that would let you try out and/or show off some of those skills you picked up in the lab. If you’re interested in attending this event on September 18th, you’d better act fast!

  2. Speaking of time-limited opportunities, I might be looking for an undergraduate research assistant this Fall to work on fun things related to embedded systems security. The successful candidate will have a regular co-op work placement (not one of those "stipiendiary" research work terms, a regular, full work term), but with the fun and flexibility of helping with computer security research! It’s a very different experience from the typical co-op job working for a company…​ if you don’t yet have a work term, and if you enjoyed ECE 7420, you might want to check out the co-op job board. Who knows, maybe you’ll even catch the bug for more research and think about graduate studies!